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From self-tracking with digital tools to co-designing clinical studies, participation is transforming the health landscape. This blog explores how Citizen Science is revolutionizing health research and driving innovation.
During a cold week at the end of January 2025, 30 early career researchers from 14 countries joined our Citizen Science Winter School. We look back on the exciting week.
We talked to citizen scientist Chantal Britt about the opportunities for citizen participation in general and patient involvement in particular, the value of applied experiences and Citizen Science as a potential career path.
What role can higher education institutions play in strengthening Citizen Science? We take a look at the recommendations from the 'Swiss Expert Group for Citizen Science' and show what we at Citizen Science Zurich are already doing today and which recommendations we want to put into practice in the future.
We look back on our year 2024 and the various highlights that shaped it. For the first time, we are publishing a short annual report that nicely visualizes the most important facts and figures. We also provide an outlook for the new year.
We look back on the first Citizen Science Zurich Ideas Lab. With the co-creative format, we connect actors from science and society and support them in developing new project ideas.
This year's Forum Citizen Science was held under the motto "Mit:Wirkung" (With:Impact) and took place in mild temperatures and lots of sunshine in the golden fall in Hamburg. We were represented with two formats – a workshop and a poster – and provide a few insights into the two-day event in this article.
Our Citizen Science Checklist developed with Schweiz forscht helps you to plan, implement and optimize your projects. It is ideal for keeping an eye on all the important aspects so that your projects can develop their full impact!
The SDG Summer School 2024 just came to an end at the SDG Solution Space in Geneva. We look back on four exciting weeks dedicated to sustainable development, social innovation, Citizen Science and open technologies.
Wild rivers are disappearing at an extremely fast rate globally. We spoke with Shuo Zong about the Citizen Science project "Wild River" that aims to conteract this trend.
The idea is simple. If you want to find out what the ideal environment for domestic pigs looks like, just let them roam freely and observe. Mirjam and Maxime are doing exactly this in the "SchweinErleben" project with the help of hundreds of volunteers.
Citizen observations are enormously important for documenting nature and species conservation. We present six exciting Citizen Science projects in this area.
Around 550 participants from all over the world came together in Vienna to celebrate the 10th anniversary of ECSA. With the conference theme being "Change" contributions covered a wide range of topics. We took part in the conference and summarized our highlights of the event.
The Seed Grant project "Long Covid Citizen Science Board" directly involved people with Long Covid. They took part in discussions, exchanged ideas and assessed how research can better meet their needs. We spoke to Chantal Britt and Milo Puhan about the project.
Bees and butterflies play an important role, but are under particular pressure in urban areas. The Seed Grant project "B3 - Bienen, Baumscheiben und Bestäubung" investigated whether a greater diversity of plants in the city of Zurich has a positive impact. We spoke to Anouk Taucher and Kevin Vega about the project.
Citizen Science projects have all the same cause: they want to achieve impact. What do we mean by impact and how can project organizers name it in a project-specific way and make it visible to the target group? Our template will help you to better grasp the impact of projects.
With five workshop projects, the Ethnographic Museum at the University of Zurich is becoming an open knowledge workshop. One of these is the Seed Grant project "The 'Borys Malkin Collection' in the view of Wounaan in Colombia". We spoke to project manager Maike Powroznik about it.
Anyone who participates in a Citizen Science project acquires new skills. In this article, you will find out why it is important to provide participants with documentation or certificates of these skills and how such proof of competence can look like.
The Swiss Museums Association has published a brochure that provides insights into the characteristics, the process and the most important stakeholder groups of Citizen Science in museums. We have summarized the most important aspects for you.
We look back on an intensive, joyful and very successful week.
Cléa Montanari shares insights about Citizen Science for Policy. Read more about three components that are essential for successful Citizen Science projects for policy.
The Citizen Science Project Builder is a web-based tool that allows researchers, students and citizens to jointly develop and implement Citizen Science projects. Recently new features were released which make the tool even more powerful and easy to use.
Lots of details about the workshops, talks, project presentations, and informal activities at this year's Citizen Science Summer School.
The collaboration with the TCS-Sensor Lab, especially in the context of the UNIGE E-Smog project, will help to strengthen Citizen Science and science education in Zurich, Geneva and the whole of Switzerland. Learn more about our new partner and its E-Smog project!
We talked with Valerio Lorini from the European Commission about his project FIUME. The project aims at extracting valuable information about damages during floods or storms in urban areas combining social media, citizen science and artificial intelligence.
Snake identification can be challenging. In a week-long online citizen science challenge data on identification of 100 snake species was gathered. More than 1000 participants from around the world took part.
In this brownbag lunch, we went on an exciting journey to Erzmatt, in the canton of Solothurn. Ore was mined there until 1850 and traces of it are still visible. The presented project wants to explore these traces and thereby learn more about the historical mining activities in the region.
Bringing together and connecting the different Citizen Science practitioners – that was the aim of the Citizen Science Conference “CitSci Helvetia 2021”. From 14-15 January 2021, over 190 citizen scientists from all over Switzerland and beyond took part in the diversified program.
At regional and national levels, policy makers urgently need relevant and actionable information on a range of Covid-related issues, as quickly and reliably as possible. The idea of the CrowdvsCovid challenge was to combine the speed of machines with the intelligence of the crowd. Find out more in our blog post.
On January 16th 2020, about 100 Citizen Science (CS) enthusiasts from all over Switzerland met up at ETH Zurich to discuss some hot topics in the current debate around Citizen Science and academia. The workshop series was organized by the Citizen Science Center Zurich and the Participatory Science Academy.
In two blog posts, Rosy Mondardini shares her view on the potentials of Citizen Science as a way for researchers and citizens to contribute to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Chris Gwilliams is the Center’s back-end developer, the geeky soul behind the platform. We convinced him to sit down and explain in layman’s terms our tech services and tools … here is what we got!
In two blog posts, Rosy Mondardini shares her view on the potentials of Citizen Science as a way for researchers and citizens to contribute to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
On Wednesday May 22nd 2019 after work, the team of the Citizen Science Center Zurich, along with about 50 other people, gathered in the BQM bar near the Federal Technical Institute in Zürich for the last evening of the Pint of Science Festival – and a night full of (citizen) science.
Our Managing Director Rosy Mondardini was part of the international Citizen Science delegation that attended the Science-Policy-Business Forum at the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA4), with the aim of promoting Citizen Science at the world’s highest-level decision-making body on the environment.
“Do you know this snake?” That was the question we asked a vivid community of snake lovers out there in our Snake ID Challenge in late February. We were overwhelmed by the level of participation from all over the world. Learn more about the project in this interview with Andrew Durso.
As a joint initiative of the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich, we aim at engaging academic scientists and the public in next-generation citizen science projects. Why is that necessary? You’ll find out in this blog post.
The best two things about Citizen Science in my view are: First, it is super diverse (just like science in general), and second, everyone can do it . All this makes Citizen Science a perfect topic for a blog.