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Citizen Science Zurich

Swiss Data Donation Day 2024: Call for Projects!

The Data Donation Lab will organize the first Swiss Data Donation Day in September 2024 and is looking for participating projects from researchers of the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH). So from University of Zurich, ZHAW, ZHdk, or PHZH.

Data donation refers to the act of requesting and sharing personal data for academic research. Such data is for example digital trace data recorded by online platforms . The goal of the «Data Donation Day» is to increase people's awareness of the possibility to donate their personal digital data to research and provide them the opportunity to participate in a project of their choice. The outreach event is supported by the DIZH innovation program.

Call for projects

The Data Donation Lab is currently looking for projects to be featured in the event. Are you a researcher affiliated with a DIZH institution and interested in conducting a data donation project that could contribute to the "Data Donation Day"? Then read the call for project proposals and submit your proposal by 10 March 2024. All projects will be supported by the Data Donation Lab regarding conceptual issues, the technical implementation of their project, and their outreach activities.


On 26 February 2024 12:15-13:00, there will be an online meeting providing more information on the "Data Donation Day" and the opportunity to ask to answer questions from potential project partners. Please sign uphere for this call to get involved.

Ursina Roffler


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Data Donation Day 2024: Call for project proposals

Submit your proposal by 10 March 2024.

Call for Project Proposals


On 26 February, 2024 from 12:15-13:00 there will be an online meeting to give you more information about the event. And you can ask all your questions. Registration is required.

Register here