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Citizen Science Zurich

Online-Workshop: Fa­cil­it­at­ing meet­ings and work­shops

Dr. Ruth Förster, die sowohl einen Workshop an unserer Citizen Science Winter School, als auch jüngst den Online-Workshop: "Prozessbegleitung und Facilitation in der partizipativen Forschung" geleitet hat, bietet im September erneut einen Kurs zum Thema Facilitation an. Der Kurs findet auf Englisch statt und ist für Personen mit Affiliation zu Schweizer Universitäten und Hochschulen offen. Die Anzahl Plätze ist limitiert.

Facilitating Meetings and Workshops

Facilitating a meeting or workshop requires the ability to create the right working environment and support participants towards achieving particular objectives. This calls for facilitation skills – being able to engage the participants, encourage cooperation and support the group in resolving any difficulties


  • Know the basic principles, phases and techniques of moderation
  • Have clarity about your role as moderator and particularly about the difference between leading & moderating
  • Can choose and apply basic methods & techniques adequate for different moderation phases
  • Can prepare yourself to be present
  • Identify your next learning step for a concrete situation

Target Group

For scientists, project managers who have to prepare and facilitate workshops and meetings.


10.09.2020, 08:45 - 13:00: Online via zoom (link will follow closely before the course starts)
11.09.2020, 08:45 - 13:00

Further Information
Registration open until September 3, 2020
