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Citizen Science Zürich

Die PWA am Digitaltag 2018

Am 25. Oktober 2018, dem Schweizer Digitaltag, ist die PWA am Hackathon "Crowdsourcing Data Analysis" beteiligt. Hier die Ankündigung der Organisatorinnen:

To celebrate the Swiss Digital Day (October 25th) we are organising a hackathon around the topic of “Crowdsourcing Data Analysis”. This is an event organised by the Digital Society Initiative of UZH, the city and canton of Zurich, and Wikimedia Switzerland. The location will be the Kunsthalle in Zurich, as the event is part of the 100 Ways of Thinking Festival by UZH.

Web site:


With this hackathon we would like to encourage participants to take action around crowdsourced data analysis. We propose that hackers (i) code tools that help to execute collaborative data analysis with crowds, (ii) extend and prepare existing data sets and (iii) answer data questions (providing visualisations and analysis findings) collectively. We would like this hackathon to be a party for data analysis with collective intelligence. We will have lightning talks by local citizen science initiatives.

«Unsere Siedlung – nachhaltig leben» (PDF, 219 KB) (PDF, 219 KB)
