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Citizen Science Zurich

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My Survival Story

Sharing experiences in dealing with cancer: How can patients, relatives and stakeholders profit from cancer survivors' stories?

About the project

My Survival Story is an online storytelling initiative that documents and shares stories of cancer survivors around the world (Cancer Survival Stories). Through different kinds of media, the platform illustrates various coping strategies to help cancer patients to better manage their own disease. The platform and its contents are produced by the association My Survival Story based in Zurich. All stories have been assessed by the psychological team of the Swiss Cancer League.

Invovlement of citizen scientists

A core objective of the project is to describe the perception of those affected, how listening to Cancer Survival Stories is linked to their own medical history and which contents are perceived as helpful or aggravating in coping with their own situation. Moreover, the project explores which everyday and therapeutic settings are best suited for Cancer Survival Stories according to those affected and stakeholders.

As a result, the project produces knowledge about the stories' impact on those affected as well as the developement of corresponding treatments. This also requires the inclusion of the experiences and views of stakeholders such as relatives, doctors, nurses etc.

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The results summarized briefly and in a generally understandable way.

Open Access Publication: Cancer survival stories: Perception, creation, and potential use case

More about Open Access Publication: Cancer survival stories: Perception, creation, and potential use case


Claudia Canella
Inst. for Complementary & Integrative Medicine
University Hospital Zurich


Martin Inderbitzin
My Survival Story

Institute for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, University Hospital Zurich

Association My Survival Story