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Citizen Science Zurich


Working Groups

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CODATA-WDS Task Group on Citizen-Generated Data for the SDGs

Citizen Science Zurich is part of this working group "CODATA-WDS Task Group on Citizen-Generated Data for the SDGs".

CSGP Working Group CS & Open Science

Citizen Science Zurich is part of this working group "Citizen Science and Open Science Community of Practice" of the Citizen Science Global Partnership (CSGP).


Citizen Science Zurich is part of this working group that promotes Citizen Science in German-speaking counrtries.

ECSA Working Groups

Citizen Science Zurich is part different working groups of the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA).

GTPF Working Group Impact

Citizen Science Zurich is part of the Impact working group at the Society for Transdisciplinary and Participatory Research (GTPF).

LERU Focus Group on Public Engagement

Citizen Science Zurich is part of the LERU Focus Group on Public Engagement.

Support Group for the Citizen Science Switzerland program

Citizen Science Zurich is part of the support group for the Citizen Science Switzerland program.


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Center for Gerontology

The Center for Gerontology promotes research and teaching in all areas of gerontology at the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and universities in Switzerland and abroad.

"Claiming Folklore" - Politics and Practices of Folk Music on Swiss Television (1960s-1990s), UZH

The topic of this cultural studies research project is tradition in modern channels. It examines the attribution and claiming of folk culture (folklore) in relation to folk music programs on Swiss television.

Computational Social Science

Research of the Computational Social Science (COSS) group aims at three-fold integration: 1. bringing modelling and computer simulation together with related empirical, experimental, and data-driven work, 2. combining perspectives of different scientific disciplines, and 3. bridging between fundamental and applied work.


CrowdWater is a Citizen Science project to collect hydrological data. The goal is to develop a cheap and easy to use method of data collection that can be used to predict floods and low flow.

Digital Society Initiative, UZH

A competence center of the University of Zurich that supports scientists in their research and teaching on digital change. It aims to reflect on the digitisation of society, democracy, science, communication and business.

Eawag Cluster: ITD

Cluster: ITD (Inter- und Transdisciplinary Research) is part of Eawag – the ETH Domain's water research institute.

ETH Library

ETH Library is the largest public scientific and technical library in Switzerland. It is the central university library and knowledge hub of ETH Zurich.

Ethnographic Museum, UZH

The Ethnographic Museum at the University of Zurich is a social anthropology science museum.

focusTerra, ETH

focusTerra, the Earth & Science Discovery Center of ETH Zurich, inspires through knowledge and empowers people to understand their natural and human-made environment to act responsibly within it.

Healthy Longevity Center, UZH

The HLC is the center for research, innovation and societal impact for healthy longevity at the University of Zurich.

Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, ETH

The sustainable use of land and natural resources relies on an informed understanding of the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems and how they respond to external forcings and management interventions. The Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems addresses these dynamics.

Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, UZH

The Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development is a scientific center at the University of Zurich focused on youth development. The Center is a joint venture between the University of Zurich and the Jacobs Foundation.

Language&Medicine Zürich, UZH

Language&Medicine is a competence centre bringing together interdisciplinary researchers and clinicians of the University of Zurich and the University Hospitals who share an interest in language in medical contexts.

Office for Gender Equality and Diversity, UZH

The Office for Gender Equality and Diversity is the central office at the University of Zurich (UZH) for all matters related to gender equality and diversity in research, teaching and learning, as well as in the university’s administration. UZH works in a decisive and creative way to guarantee that all genders have the same rights and the same opportunities to develop.

Open Science, UZH

Open Science UZH promotes an Open Science culture at the University of Zurich. Research should be available to all. Their goal is to make Open Science the default practice in research. Access to knowledge and the scientific process enables knowledge to be disseminated and developed more efficiently, and enhances the transparency and credibility of academic research.

People and Computing Lab, Department of Informatics, UZH

It is part of the Human-Computer Interaction group at the University of Zurich. The group takes an approach to research that goes beyond interface design and usability, and focuses on gaining a deep, contextualized understanding of the relationship between people and computing technologies.

School for Transdisciplinary Studies, UZH

The School for Transdiciplinary Studies fosters inter- and transdisciplinary education and teaching. It serves as a hub for courses addressing students of all faculties and supports providers in the development and implementation of these courses. Thereby, it increases the visibility of inter- and transdisciplinarity at UZH:

Seminar for Film Studies, UZH

"Bridging the Gap Between Technology and Aesthetics", part of the project "Film Colors" funded by the European Research Council (ERC), examines the relationship between the technical processes and the aesthetics of films.

Senior Citizens' University UZH3

It offers regular activities to its 3000 members aged 60+, such as research lectures and specialized events. Co-creative Citizen Science is pursued with over 35 members within the frame of a "Participative UZH3 Working Group" with projects in the area of research or offer development. 

Science Lab UZH

A program of the Faculty of Science with the aim of fostering the interest of teenagers and young adults in natural sciences. It provides a modern and future oriented impression of natural sciences and promotes interdisciplinary skills through interactive and cross-disciplinary workshops.

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Research - WSL

The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest Research (WSL) studies forests, landscapes, biodiversity, natural hazards and snow and ice. It is part of the ETH Domain.

University Library Zurich

The University Library Zurich unites all UZH libraries under one roof and works closely with the Zentralbibliothek Zürich.


The TdLab is a place where students, teachers, researchers, and other societal actors collaboratively define and tackle the complexities of sustainable development to respect environmental limits and uphold social justice for present and future generations.

UZH Graduate Campus

At UZH, Graduate Campus (GRC) offers cross-faculty activities for the promotion of early career researchers, with a focus on postdocs. These include the awarding of grants, a wide range of courses, and individual counseling and networking opportunities.

UZH Innovation Hub

The UZH Innovation Hub is a platform for innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Zurich. It acts as a catalyst to accelerate the development of new inventions and ideas and strengthens the transfer of innovative research and teaching to the economy and society.

Zentralbibliothek Zürich (ZB)

It's strategic task is to support and help shape the collaboration of professional and volunteer researchers. Within the framework of various Citizen Science projects, volunteers contribute their knowledge to research and make it available to the public.

Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center

The Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center (PSC) is a competence center that links and supports the plant science research community of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich and the University of Basel.

Citizen Science Networks

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Citizen Cyberlab

The Citizen Cyberlab in Geneva develops methods and explores motivations for innovative forms of public participation in science.

Citizen Science Network Austria (CSNA)

The network is coordinated by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna, and includes partner institutions in Austria and beyond. It aims at promoting quality Citizen Science and strengthen the dialogue between science and society.


A working group that aims to further develop Citizen Science in and to intensify cooperation among German-speaking counrtries, to use and foster commonalities, to exchange best practice and to establish effective ways of exchange.


The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is a membership organisation set up in 2014. Their main goals are to increase the democratisation of science, encourage the growth of citizen science in Europe, and support the participation of the general public in research processes ⎯ across the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and the arts.

Gesellschaft für transdisziplinäre und partizipative Forschung (GTPF)

An association of transdisciplinary and participatory researchers in German-speaking countries.

mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen

"mit:forschen! Gemeinsam Wissen schaffen" (formerly "Bürger schaffen Wissen") is the central platform for Citizen Science in Germany. The platform presents, connects and supports Citizen Science projects since November 2013.

Science et Cité – Schweiz forscht

Science et Cité is an independant foundation committed to the «Dialogue between Science and Society». It coordinates the Citizen Science Network Switzerland and operates "Schweiz forscht" - the platform for Citizen Science projects in Switzerland.

Further partners

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Agroscope is the Swiss centre of excellence for agricultural research, and is affiliated with the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG). Agroscope makes an important contribution to a sustainable agriculture and food sector as well as to an intact environment, thereby contributing to an improved quality of life.


The Citizen Science project explores the diverse opportunities for personally and socially valuable work by people over 70. How do they formulate the personal benefits of this commitment and what can we learn about the necessary framework conditions?

BIH QUEST Center for Responsible Research

Located at the Charité in Berlin the Center engages with participatory health research. Together, we exchange and discuss new ways to implement participatory approaches in medicine and health sciences.

Bündner Kupfer

Bündner Kupfer is a blog which publishes archaeological and scientific data collected by archaeologists and citizens interested in archaeology, geology, ores, mining activities and local history in Grisons, Switzerland.


Company for consulting, initiation and management of Citizen Science projects in Switzerland.

Center for Research and Interdisciplinarity

CRI is co-constructing and sharing new ways of learning, teaching, conducting research and mobilizing collective intelligence in the fields of life, learning and digital sciences, in order to address the UN's SDGs.

FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of organic agriculture.


A next-generation community for students and young professionals to connect on shared interests, showcase themselves and discover learning and earning opportunities.


A research lab within the Child Mind Institute that builds and applies technologies such as wearable devices, mobile apps, and analytics tools to help diagnose, assess, monitor, and improve mental health.


The non-profit cooperative operates a data platform, acts as a trustee for data collection, and guarantees the sovereignty of citizens over the use of their data. Owners of a data account may actively contribute to medical research and clinical studies by granting selective access to their personal data.

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

The "Museum für Naturkunde – Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science" is an integrated research museum within the Leibniz Association. It is one of the most important research institutions worldwide in the areas of biological and geological evolution and biodiversity.

National Research Programme Covid-19 in Society - Social relationships in a pandemic

In NRP 80, researchers will identify the most important factors and social dynamics that played a decisive role in the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim is to develop strategies that will prepare society for future pandemics.

Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich

A scholar's society to promote the natural sciences. It is particularly committed to the dialogue between individual disciplines and the interested public. NGZH reports about new scientific results, gives background knowledge and shows how science works.

NCCR Evolving Language

The Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Evolving Language is a nationwide interdisciplinary research consortium bringing together research groups from the humanities, from language and computer science, the social sciences, and the natural sciences at an unprecedented level and aiming to solving the question what language is.

One Million Voices Initiative

The initiative’s goal is to develop a tool, or a series of tools, that enable farmers, producer organizations, consumers and other potential end users around the world to inclusively participate in agroecology movements, support sustainable adoption of agroecology, contribute to the collection, co-creation and sharing of information to fill key knowledge gaps on the performance of agroecology. 

Open Mind Institute

It promotes the exchange between science and the public. Its focus lies on the communication and understanding of scientific thinking and knowledge, as well as collaboration and co-creation within the field of education and research.

Project "Aging Differently"

How do long and committed journeys through life far beyond 64/65 come about? – This question is being investigated by the research project and its two dozens researchers. The core of the research work consists of structured interviews with an initial 50 people, which are recorded and evaluated.


Reatch is the independent think tank for critical scientists and science enthusiasts in Switzerland. The non-profit association is committed to a science-friendly culture in which science and society collaborate together.

Schweizerisches Idiotikon

The Institute documents the German language in Switzerland from the late Middle Ages to the 21st century.It is also home to other projects, such as the Language Atlas of German-speaking Switzerland (SDS) with its Citizen Science project "SDS-Steno-Labor".

SDG Solution Space

In May 2017, the University of Geneva opened the SDG Solution Space in the heart of International Geneva. Inspired by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the SDG Solution Space hosts education and research activities that support innovation for the SDGs, in collaboration with a wide range of partners in International Geneva and around the world. 


A platform that serves a community of more than 50K senior citizens and offers cross-media content aimed at active and interested users, covering issue related in particular to health and preventive care, and providing help and advice on topics of digital technology.


The StadtWildTiere project started in the fall of 2013 and has since been able to research, experience, and promote the occurrence of wildlife in urban areas by means of observation reports from citizens.

td-net | Network for Transdisciplinary Research

As a platform, td-net promotes exchange and cooperation between disciplines as well as between science and society.

Theoretical Computer Science & Sensor Lab, UNIGE

The lab is interested in theoretical computer science and algorithmic aspects of communication networks. It leads the platform "Competing Crowds" where the UNIGE E-Smog Project is part of. The latter aims at collecting anonymous non-ionizing radiation ("e-smog") by citizens using a simple to use smartphone app. 

Volkshochschule Zürich

General education for adults in the university sector, foreign languages, design, movement, communication; in the centre of Zurich. A broad spectrum of lecture series, courses and seminars on almost all fields of knowledge. No access barriers, registration obligatory.

Women’s Brain Project

An international organization advocating for and carrying out research on women’s brain and mental health. It advocates also for a scientific discussion on sex and gender aspects of ongoing research and its results. WBP addresses these issues through scientific research, debate, public engagement and advocacy.

WWU Münster

Located in Germany, it is one of the most active universities within Citizen Science in German-speaking areas. We are partners with the Innovation Office since 2018, also within the D-A-CH AG.

ZHAW Digital Health Lab

The lab brings together experts from the fields of biomedicine, health, technology and business, who together create innovations for digitisation in healthcare. Ii aims at making healthcare more accurate, personalized, and preventive, by focusing on the individual.

Zürcher Gemeinschaftszentren

From the neighbourhoods' different interests arise different ideas for participatory research projects. Together we connect people, offer an open programme and envision mutual learning and shared research as an important form of social participation and co-determination in Zurich.

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